The New Health Equation

Aug 07, 2023


There is a predictable and reliable framework that can be used methodically in the treatment and amelioration of all disease. This framework can be seen dramatically when applied to degenerative and lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity, and osteoporosis. In this section, we will explore and propose a new salutogenic and pathogenic theoretical model. For now, we start with its simplest iteration as represented through the following equation:

Causes = Effects 

Using the lens of systems theory, as applied to our health, there is no such thing as a cause-and-effect relationship. Rather, we should begin to view our health as causes and effects. Furthermore, using the lens of quantum mechanics, we move away from victim consciousness. As its substitute, we can embody a participatory cocreator consciousness that asks us to be the cause to create the effect and to understand that you are in charge of your reality, and the moment of power is always found in the forever now moment.

Everything affects everything. Looking for one single causative agent for every effect will, inevitably, lead you down the proverbial rabbit hole. Consider, as an example, your current diet, your relationship to food, and your habits surrounding food consumption. Can you say with any level of certainty what caused you to eat the way you did today? Of course not. Decisions are driven by factors such as personal taste, addictions, marketing, culture, familial influences, food availability, environment (such as friends and social settings), school education, and so much more. Seeing things as interrelated rather than independent is the key to this new holistic and integrated model. Holism postulates that human beings are multidimensional, diseases are multidimensional, and treatment, therefore, should be multidimensional.

It is naïve to think we can find one simple cause and one magic bullet to heal all our ills. A holistic mindset tells us that all manifestations, phenomena, and experiences have multiple layers, realities, and dimensions in both the subjective and objective domains. For example, in the realm of healthcare, we must take into account the subjective realities of the patient (beliefs, feelings, emotions), their intersubjective realities (culture, relationships, family dynamics), their objective realities (the physical body and all its correlates such as exercise, nutrition, sleep ergonomics), as well as all of the interobjective structures (socioeconomic status, insurance, and so on) that are in place and influencing the patient—albeit consciously or unconsciously.

The Conveyor Belt Metaphor 

 The health equation, metaphorically, represents the conveyor belt of life. It starts with our birth, ends with our death, and represents our human potential. What determines how fast or slow we walk or are carried along by the conveyor belt are the “causes.”

What are the causes?

In short, everything as found within the dimensions of existence—physical, emotional, relational, mental, spiritual, environmental, genetic. They include the most important of all the contributing factors—our choices and the stories we tell ourselves.

If we eat healthy, exercise, love, and forgive, the conveyor belt may slow down. On the flip side, if we engage in unhealthy eating habits, smoking, and other addictions, the conveyor belt may speed up. In the former, the person’s biological age (age of their cells) is lower than their chronological age (the number we tell someone when they ask us our age). In the latter, the person’s biological age is greater than their chronological age and can, inevitably, lead to decreased quality of life and premature death.

Make sure your treatment plan is all inclusive containing elements in in the PERMS model including:  

โœ” (P)hysical 

โœ” (E)motional, (E)nvironmental, and (E)pignetic  

โœ” (R)elational 

โœ” (M)ental  

โœ” (S)piritual